By Bradley on Monday, 07 February 2022
Category: Events

DfSD-ELCRN - Invitation to a Dialogue on the State of Human Rights in Namibia - 9 February 2022

The Desk for Social Development - Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia (DfSD-ELCRN) will commemorate Constitution Day on 9 February 2022 with “Dialogue on the State of Human Rights in Namibia” from 10h00 to 13h00 through Zoom Virtual Platform. Special reference to the recommendations finalised and adopted by the Human Rights Council in September 2021. 

A Zoom link will be provided for participants that have confirmed to participate in the Dialogue.
Kindly confirm your participation with an SMS or WhatsApp message to either Yolande Sabatta on +264 81 680 3210), Josephine Nghishoono on +264 81 447 1410 or Ndamona Shimanda on +264 81 488 5639.

 The program will include the following: 

  1. Introductory Remarks by Uhuru Dempers – Director of the Desk for Social Development of ELCRN
  2. Opening Remarks by Bishop Sageus /Keib of ELCRN and President of the Council of Churches in
    Namibia (CCN).
  3. Reflections by the Minister of Justice – Yvonne Dausab (MP) on the 3rd Cycle of the UPR of Namibia and the 283 recommendations – including the way forward plans for the implementation of the recommendations!
  4. Reflections from the Ombudsman Basilius Dyakugha on the “State of Human Rights” with special reference to the 283 recommendations.
  5. Reflections from civil society representatives on the State of Human Rights with special reference to the 283 recommendations: John Nakuta-Human Rights Lecturer and Media Ombudsman, Dr Lucy Edwards-Jauch, Linda Baumann from Diverse Women’s Network and Reverend Dr Andre September - United Congregation Church of Southern Africa.
  6. Vote of Thanks and Conclusions: Reverend Dr Kauna Betty Schroeder-Presiding Elder of the AME Church and member of the CCN Executive Committee.

Read/Download the full Invitation to a Dialogue on the “State of Human Rights in Namibia” – in celebration of Constitution Day – Wednesday 9th February 2022- 10h00 to 13h00 -Virtually on Zoom document by clicking here:

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