Update on the draft Government of the Republic of Namibia – Civil Society Partnership and Engagement (GRN-CSPE) Policy

GRN-CSPE Update on the draft GRN-CSPE Policy

BY: ESTER /NANUS & CHRISTINE LEISER, 30 September 2024 | Between 2022 and April 2024, the Civic Organisations Partnerships Policy (GRN-COPP) underwent a comprehensive review involving stakeholder consultations. Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) expressed strong opposition to the voluntary registration requirement with the government, perceiving it as a threat to their autonomy—a concern reminiscent of the findings from the 2005 GRN-CSO Policy Review.

Concurrently, the Enhancing Participatory Democracy in Namibia (EPDN) program—a partnership between the Namibian government and the European Union—facilitated the policy renewal process and operates under the direct supervision of the National Planning Commission as the contracting authority.

Despite budget constraints, workshops were organized in five towns in March and April 2024 to gather civil society input. Five regional clusters—Khomas, Erongo, Kavango West/East, Oshana, and ǁKaras— were consulted alongside online surveys targeting CSOs and Local Authorities. This broad engagement confirmed the relevance of the 2005 policy principles while highlighting the need to strengthen partnerships between the government and CSOs, particularly enhancing the National Planning Commission's role. Participants emphasized the necessity for improved communication and a stronger partnership between civil society and government. The draft policy, enriched by feedback from a CSO reference group, was presented at a two-day hybrid workshop in May, attracting over 80 participants.

By July 2024, the revised policy draft was finalized, consisting of three volumes: the policy document, an implementation action plan, and a budget. The voluntary registration of civic organisations was operationalized through CIVIC+264, allowing civil society to establish a self-regulatory body that includes CSOs and trade unions.

Additionally, in response to the changing policy environment, NamNet, an independent CSO/None State Actor, apex body, was formed in May 2024 to enhance collaboration between the government, CSOs, and trade unions. Further to this, the revised policy aims to foster trust and collaboration among stakeholders. It includes a three-year implementation plan, a monitoring and evaluation framework, a communication strategy, and a resource mobilization strategy. The draft is currently under internal review at the National Planning
Commission, pending submission to the Cabinet for approval.

The validation workshop for the draft GRN- Civil Society Partnership and Engagement Policy May 29-30th 2024 at NIPAM, Windhoek

*Mrs. Ester Nanus (enanus@npc.gov.na) is the National Development Advisor at the National Planning Commission, and Christine Leiser (christine.leiser@epdn.org) is the Team Leader of the Enhancing Participatory Democracy in Namibia (EPDN) Programme. This article was submitted for the CIVIC BEAT Newsletter (September Edition) call for submissions.



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