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Recent news around Civil Society Organisations in Namibia

IPPR - Call for Civil Society Input on National Budget Priorities - 12 September 2024

Invitation---Civil-Society-BudgetConsultation_page-0001 Call for Civil Society Input on National Budget Priorities

Following the consultative meeting that took place with the Ministry of Finance and the National Planning Commission on July 15 with regards to the budget, the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) would like to invite further interventions or recommendations.

  32 Hits

INVITATION to Civil society consultation with the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises - 15 July

MFPE Mid-Term Budget Review Consultations with CSOs MFPE Mid-Term Budget Review Consultations with CSOs

Dear civil society activist,

On behalf of the IPPR and CIVIC +264, we would like to invite you to a budget consultation meeting with the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises to take place on the afternoon of Monday 15 July. Please find further details in the attached invitation letter.

  374 Hits

Civil Society Organisations in Namibia

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